MisCon's Annual Costume Contest
MisCon 38
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Monday, April 8:
There are only 47 days until MisCon begins and only 49 days until the Costume Contest! Are you entering and would love some swag to commemorate the occasion? This year we want to say a special thank you for our contestants that sign up by May 22nd with these awesome badge ribbons in the MisCon colors!
Don't wait, sign up for the MisCon Costume Contest and get your MisCon Costume Contest ribbon!
Please check out the full rules for the contest by following this link: https://www.miscon.org/costuming/costume-contest.php
To enter the contest please follow this link: https://forms.gle/4kEtCMhj5Rs1Bzp8A
Offer expires May 22nd.