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Missoula's Science Fiction & Fantasy Convention

MisCon 39: Hive of Scum and Villainy
June 20 - 23, 2025
Missoula, Montana

Donate to MisCon

MisCon 39

Thank you for considering donating to MisCon. Contributions are used to keep celebrating science fiction in Montana.

Your donations are used for a variety of needs to keep making MisCon better each year. This ranges from helping to cover hotel and convention center costs, furnishing and chair rentals, or building the stands and frames to display art in the art show to flying guests of honor to Missoula each year and decorating the facilities. Donations also help with special, one time expenses like having the Iron Throne delivered by HBO for MisCon 26.

Donations from MisCon fans also help us keep registration, merchant, and art show fees down by helping to just offset the general expenses of the convention, and help to keep the game days free and open to the public.

Donate Today!

Donations to MisCon help us make a better convention each year.

MisCon is not a tax exempt charitable organization. Donations may not be tax deductible. Check with your tax accountant or tax attorney if you have questions about the deductibility of any donation.