MisCon 36: Carnival of WondersMisCons Past
MisCon sweeps in once a year in the spring, lasts a few days, then vanishes on the day of remembrance, leaving no trace.
It's ephemeral as a rainstorm.
It's been plagued by zombies, became a ruined wasteland, ascended to the future, lost all its heroes, and leveled up. It's been filled with doors to many places and times. Once it became a fairy tale and attracted none other than George R.R. Martin, one of the greatest wizards of our age.
This year it's changing again . . .
If you listen right, might be you can hear the crowd, the carnival barkers, the screeching beasts. None of them are caged, and some prowl among the night tents, green eyes glinting. Can you smell the clowns, wandering like lost souls through the hotel? Only it's not a normal hotel anymore. It's been transformed. We've got weirdos and corset-sellers, and hawkers selling wands and rings and magic fish in a sack.
And the wonders.
To find them, you can't go looking. Not directly. At least that's what I hear. You just need to be in the right place at the right time and in the right frame of mind. Maybe wander under the big top, check out the atrium midway, or peek into the mysterious tent out on the edge of the field. I've heard they've got it all in there, even a different night sky.
While you're working on costumes, panel ideas, and game scenarios, think about carnival sideshows, vaudeville acts, outsiders, mysterious places, things that lurk in the shadows, and ponder what fascinates us.
Let's delve into humanity's deepest darkest secrets and search for meaning. Why are we curious? What do we seek? Come to MisCon 34: Carnival of Wonders and maybe you�ll find out.
MisCon 36 Programming
MisCon 36 Gaming
MisCon 36 Announcements
Read the MisCon 36 announcements.
MisCon 36 Gallery
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Check out the MisCon 36 photo gallery.
MisCon 36 ConCom
MisCon 36 Guests of Honor
- Charlaine Harris
Author Guest of Honor
- Cosplaimee
Cosplay Guest of Honor
- Patricia Briggs
Special Guest of Honor
- Dragon Dronet
Special Guest of Honor
- Isaac C. Singleton Jr.
Media Guest of Honor
Attending Professionals and Panelists
- Cheeky Geeky Vaudeville
- Cosplaimee
- Dark Moon Fusion
- Dystopia Rising
- Eekie and Snow Cosplay
- FAE Productions
- Jones Family Magic
- Kid's Activities Staff
- MisCon Electronic Gaming
- SageFenCon
- Silverman Bros
- Valhalla's Workbench
- Elies Adams
- BJ Allen-Prudden
- Brian Alterowitz
- Lynn Bailey
- John Barba
- Justin Barba
- Chris Blazer
- Colton Blomker
- Andrea BoguschPerkins
- M. H. Bonham
- Jessica Brannum
- Patricia Briggs
- Mackenzie Bryant
- Rob Carlos
- Becky Cass
- Avery Clarke
- Clay Cooper
- JC Cote
- Katie Cross
- Dragon Dronet
- Tyler Dwernychuk
- Nicole Edington
- Eva Elasigue
- Kyle Elliott
- Bernard Finnigan
- Manny Frishberg
- Jessica Fuerst
- James Glass
- Vandy Hall
- Charlaine Harris
- James Hayes
- Rhiannon Held
- Michael Hodges
- Rafael Hohmann
- Esther Jones
- Frog Jones
- James Jones
- MaryAlice Jones
- Sir. James Jones
- Sanan Kolva
- Tess Langston
- Rebekah Leib
- John Logan
- Jennifer Lovely-Yarbrough
- Patty Mascia
- Michael McClintock
- Tod McCoy
- Byron McKoy
- F.R. "Diz" McNeil
- Danith McPherson
- Theresa Miller
- Erika Noble
- Lily Oliver
- Katie Pak
- William Parrish
- Joshua Pate-Terry
- Seth Peck
- Margaret Persico
- Richard Pirtle
- Sean Ricks
- Grant Riddell
- William C. Riley
- Nikki Rossignol McCoy
- Keith Seyffarth
- Lind Shanin
- Isaac C. Singleton Jr.
- D.L. Solum
- Jeff Southern
- Lee Stahl
- Brooke Stanley
- Jeff Sturgeon
- William Sutton
- Patrick Swenson
- G.R. Theron
- Brittany Torres
- Jason Tupeck
- Andy VanOverberghe
- Peter Wacks
- Dean Wells
- Danica Winters
- Clare Wood
- Lacy Zee
MisCon 36 Attending Game Masters and Storytellers
- Cosplaimee
- FAE Productions
- Kyle Group
- Lynn Bailey
- Norma Barrett
- Rion Bergquist
- Chris Blazer
- Eric Hallstrom
- Jeffrey-James Halvorson
- Zacchery Hendrickson
- Luke Hutson
- Dean Keith
- CthulhuBob Lovely
- Katie Pak
- David Poelman
- Spencer Quinn
- Burnell Rhodes
- Greg Schneider
- Jeremiah Supon
- Tyce Velde
- Josh Wendt
- Lacy Zee
MisCon 36 Attending Merchants
- Accessories of Fae (Tables 26, 27)
- Alice's Steampunk Emporium (Table 12)
- And Puppy Dog Tails (Tables 22, 23)
- Barnes & Noble (Tables 24, 25)
- Bernard and Valerie Finnigan (Table 29)
- Blind Dog Creations (Table 9)
- Dandy Narwhal (Table 4)
- Drake Books & Media (Table 18)
- Fairwood Press (Tables 15, 16)
- Geek Lolita (Tables 21, 28)
- Gnome Realm (Table 17)
- Impulsive Walrus Books (Table 30)
- Jade LaRose Designs (Table 8)
- Kelly's Comics (Tables 13, 14)
- LorraineFire Artwork & Cosplay (Table 11)
- Miss Haley Bombshell Boutique (Tables 5, 6, 7)
- Muse Comics & Games (Table 19)
- Nemesis Gear (Tables 1, 2)
- Neyunara (Table 10)
- Oneshi Press (Table 31)
- Sinister Metalworks (Table 20)
- Valhalla's Workbench (Table 3)