Current Pocket Monster of the Week Gaming Schedule
MisCon 39
These tables show the current schedule of Pocket Monster of the Week for MisCon 39, with the scheduled games in their time slots and listed for each table that that game is using. Only tables where that game is being played will be shown each day.
Early on in the life cycle of ‘Critical Ditto’, Tom, Ali, David and Stew came to the conclusion that existing Pokémon Tabletop Roleplay systems, whilst fantastic in their own right, were not suitable for the heavy narrative/improv story they were trying to tell. As a result, the boys decided to hack Michael Sands iconic Powered by the Apocalypse RPG; ‘Monster of the Week’ and give it a Pokémon twist. ‘Pocket Monster of the Week’ was born.To help you find what you're interested in more quickly, games are color coded: BG (Board Game), (Computer Games), EG (Electronic Gaming), HBG (Hotel Bar Game), LARP (Live-Action Role-Playing), OG (Open Gaming), Other (Other), Paint (Painting), RPG (Role-Playing Games), TCG (Trading Card Game), and WG (Wargame)