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Missoula's Science Fiction & Fantasy Convention

MisCon 39: Hive of Scum and Villainy
June 20 - 23, 2025
Missoula, Montana

Nearby Grocery Stores

Need to pick up sandwich fixings for your trip home from MisCon? Looking to provide fresh fruit for your LARP? Or maybe just forgot some necessity when packing? There are several grocery stores and supermarkets near the Holiday Inn Missoula Downtown so you won't have to travel far.

Some Recommendations

Good Food Store
The Good Food Store is a non-profit corporation dedicated to supporting a healthy community. We provide a wide selection of organic food and natural products, conduct our business in an ethical and respectful manner and donate to organizations in need. At 1600 W. 3rd, it's not as close to MisCon as some other stores, but if you're looking for more organic foods and healthier choices, the good food store may be worth the drive.

Market on Front
Market on Front offers fast and convenient chef inspired prepared foods and artisan grocery items that fit the lifestyles of their customers and communities.

Grocery Stores Near the Holiday Inn Missoula Downtown (According to Google)

This map shows Grocery Stores within 3000 meters of the Holiday Inn Downtown on South Pattee Street according to current entries in Google Places. Business/place names are available when you click their marker on the map, or you can use the larger map link to get more details.