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Missoula's Science Fiction & Fantasy Convention

MisCon 39: Hive of Scum and Villainy
June 20 - 23, 2025
Missoula, Montana

MisCon 39 International Short Film Festival Entry Requirements and Terms

Upon Acceptance:

Filmmakers whose works are selected will be notified by email.

Screener Return Policy:

Screening DVDS of entries WILL NOT BE RETURNED.

Company representatives for official selections will receive:

Acceptance Terms:

All selected entrants hereby grant the MisCon International Short Film Festival the right to use footage, in part, stills, and/or titles and information from the film for promotional purposes of the festival to include, but not limited to,television, Internet, radio, press, and print sources. All filmmakers retain full rights to their works, and such permission is granted for current and future promotion of the MisCon International Short Film Festival and overall MisCon convention advertising.

By submitting your film, you agree to all MisCon International Short Film Festival Entry Requirements and Terms.

To begin the entry process, please complete the entry form.

MisCon International Short Film Festival film submission form