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Missoula's Science Fiction & Fantasy Convention

MisCon 39: Hive of Scum and Villainy
June 20 - 23, 2025
Missoula, Montana

MisCon 39 Volunteers

MisCon, like any convention or event, needs volunteers to help it run smoothly. MisCon uses volunteers in many capacities, from the Convention Committee, or ConCom, who meet year 'round to put the convention together, to the volunteers who help register excited con-goers.


At MisCon we appreciate our volunteers and strive to compensate them for their efforts. To learn more visit the Volunteer Compensation/Expectations/Protocols Page.

Volunteer Orientation

Once you have signed up, please watch this video:

An then take this quick survey to let us know.

How Can I Help?

As in the past, MisCon is looking for a few good volunteers to help us at MisCon 39. When you sign up, by filling out the Volunteer Application, let us know in which areas you would prefer to work and we will do our best to match your needs with that of the convention.

When you sign up by filling out the Volunteer Application let us know in which areas you would prefer to work and we will do our best to help match your needs with that of the convention. Below is a list of MisCon’s Departments and how they use volunteers:

Volunteer Types

If you have any questions .