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Missoula's Science Fiction & Fantasy Convention

MisCon 39: Hive of Scum and Villainy
June 20 - 23, 2025
Missoula, Montana

Volunteer Compensation and Protocols

MisCon 39 Volunteers

Volunteer Rewards

In exchange for their help, all volunteers will be rewarded in multiple ways throughout the convention. The main reward is Cthulhu Cash ($CC), which is considered to be the same as US dollars during the convention and can be used throughout to purchase art or items from independent vendors. The maximum amount of $CC that can be earned by volunteering is equal to the current year’s registration cost and can be applied to the next year’s registration. In order to apply your $CC to the next year’s registration cost, you must collect your $CC from the volunteer table and bring it to registration yourself. $CC can also be earned by referring friends and family to volunteer for at least 2 hours during the convention; this amount of $CC is not capped and is on top of the amount earned by volunteering.

$CC can be picked up at the Volunteer/Info Table and is accepted in the Art Show, the Merchant Room, and Registration. $CC MUST be picked up before the end of the convention or it will be forfeited.

One Volunteer will be given a free pass to the next year’s convention as well as an Award Certificate signed by the Guest(s) of Honor praising them for their services. They may even win a little convention swag!

Criteria to win this are based upon the following:

While $CC is the most dependable reward, determined solely on how many hours you work, two chance related rewards will also be given throughout the convention. 1) For each day you volunteer, you will be given a faery token that you may use at your own risk to make a trade with a local fae. Tread lightly, as the fae are known to be tricksters and you never know what manner of treat you’ll receive. 2) Each member of the Winning Team of volunteer voting will be given the opportunity to select a prize at the end of the convention as well as an additional token to make a trade with a local fae. Each member of the losing team will also be given an additional opportunity to trade with a fae.

Volunteer Protocols

  1. All volunteers must check in with the Volunteer Director or a member of the Volunteer Team at the Volunteer Table. Examples include:
    1. Upon arrival at the convention to receive official schedules and other materials that may be necessary for their positions.
    2. Before and after all shifts.
  2. If a volunteer fails to check in and/or check out they will not be awarded the hours for that shift. This will seriously detract from total accumulated hours and may cause the volunteer to lose a chance at earning the Best Volunteer Certificate and its benefits.
  3. If you fail to check out within 15 minutes of your shift ending, those hours will be forfeited.
  4. All volunteers will undergo evaluations. This will ensure that volunteers are properly rewarded for their services as well as establish foundations for volunteering at future conventions. It also enables the Volunteer Director to accurately place each volunteer in departments that suit their abilities and status.
  5. Maintain an upbeat and professional attitude so as to represent the convention in the best possible light.

If you are interested in volunteering, please register online.

Our volunteers are an important part of what makes MisCon a wonderful event.

If you have any questions .