MisCon 39 Costuming
MisCon has all kinds of costuming fun in store. Whether you want to show off your hard work and creativity, or you want to learn how to make something stunning or just how to use the correct techniques, MisCon costuming has something for you.
Costume Events
Besides panels we have a wide variety of Costuming Events at Miscon. Our schedule includes everything from games, to performances, and even parties!
Check out what Costume Events we have going on this year!
MisCon Children's Costume Pageant
Join Kid Activities for the MisCon Children's Costume Pageant! Children ages 3-12 are invited to show off their wings, tails, crowns, armour, and more on Saturday at 5pm. Sign-up will begin Friday at 12:00 pm and will end Saturday at 12:00 pm. Staging will begin at 4:30pm. For questions or comments, please email kidsactivities@miscon.org.
Costuming Programming
As usual, we also have a lot of Costume Panels and other programming where you can hear from experts and talk to more experienced people about the hows, whys, and whats of costuming and costume making.
Click here if you’re interested in knowing more about MisCon Panels
Dress Code and Costume Policies
Treating each other with kindness and Respect is important to us.
Please view our in-depth Dress Code and our Cosplay is Not Consent pages
Photographer: Tell Bailey Photographer: Camaryn Anderson
Cosplayer: Becky Cass Cosplayer: Katie Wahler