Contact MisCon
MisCon 39
Thank you for your interest in MisCon and your support of speculative fiction and fandom in Montana. You can complete the form below to contact the right person or people on ConCom to address your needs or answer your question.
If you're on Facebook, you can chat with MisCon fans and MisCon staff in our Facebook group
or follow MisCon through our Facebook page
to hear more updates. Also remember to subscribe to our announcements feed
for current updates and reminders.
Or, if you prefer, we can be reached by phone at (406) 360-8876 or by mail at:
MisConP.O. Box 7721
Missoula, MT 59807
You can use this mailing address for sending check payments for your MisCon pre-registration or payments for art tables or panels or merchant tables.